CyberSave Free Version

Now Available !!

Here is the version 2 of CyberSave which a totally free version to download. It has been launched on February 2nd, 2006.

The version 2.1 is a partial version including 5 photos. You can download it directly.

The version 2.2 is a full version including 11 photos. To download it you must first do a multiple-choice questionnaire and give enough good answers to obtain a note that will be superior to 16/20.

You can download and print jacquets and CD covers for Cybersave 2.1 and 2.2. Click on the images to access the files (jpeg format, 300 dpi, cut and fold lines).

CyberSave 2.1
CyberSave 2.2
Front Jacquet
Back Jacquet
Sticker CD